Monday, January 25, 2010

Considering the Lilies...

I may have named this blog "My blissful beautiful life..." but it isn't always... and sometimes I wonder at the adventure my life and career has taken me on... But today I'm remembering that I need not worry, because God has it covered, and he knows exactly where I am and what I'm doing. My career has been a roller coaster, and it's not done yet. But in spite of the craziness of my career, I know that for now, I'm where God wants me to be. I have told my friends and family about my wacky unique career. It isn't what I planned... but it seems to be what God wants for me. Each year, I find myself wondering about the year, and somewhere in the middle of the year... it makes sense why I'm doing this instead of that... (Well, most of the time it's the middle of the year it was probably two years later that I saw the bigger picture.) Today is a bigger picture day... I got to see one of the reasons I'm a sub. This career has helped me see life as an adventure, and just how cool it is to watch how God works to help and comfort those who love Him. God is Amazing! He is Good! All the time!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Let my lifesong sing to you!!!

God is good, All the time....All the time, God IS Good! We say this every Sunday morning as our benediction. It's a simple phrase, but it's a difficult concept on a tough week. But I know that God is good always. We sang about our lifesongs this week, and I remembered a quote about friends are the people who will sing your lifesong back to you when you forget the tune. I think our community is finding itself singing our united lifesong back and forth to one another as we ask... Can I help you??? Do you need anything??? What can I do for you??? For in this place as God's servants, we are truly the hands and feet of the living God. We will sing our lifesong of praise and worship in sorrow as well as joy. For it is out of our great love for the one who made us that we have learned to sing, and he loves our praise and worship in all times... even when our voices have don't have words to tell of our sorrow. He knows our very thoughts and prayers even when we do not know them. So remember that in all things and at all times... GOD IS GOOD!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sorrow surrounds you...

My title comes from a beautiful song that my church choir has sung several times in the past couple years. It describes how though there are trials in life... God is with us. This title describes my community this past week. A dear friend lost his life in the line of duty for the Pennsylvania State Police. He was a man of honor, quiet dignity, strength, and faith. Our community has hurt this week. We have been heartsick over the sudden death of a protector doing his job. Bliss has been suddenly interrupted. It's a reminder that bliss on earth isn't perfect, and that we are in a battle against things that are truly evil. So onward we must go turning away from evil to see the beauty of life in Christ.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon...

A Blue moon occurs on New Year's Eve once every nineteen years or so... meaning that in my lifetime. I've only experienced two of them on New Year's eve! I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in this blue moon year!