Saturday, February 13, 2010

In the Pink...

I love pink! It is the color of happiness for me... all the shades you can think of from the softest palest baby blush... to brilliant almost red... I love it! So the season of Valentine's just makes me happy to see all the pretty pink possibilities! Currently, I've discovered that Valentine's M&Ms are delightful, and there's a pink floral arrangement on our kitchen table that is really just plain lovely! I'm glad that God made so many shades of color, and especially glad He created pink!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

That's What Friends Are For...

Last night, I caught up with a dear friend! We used facebook and chatted for over an hour and just had a fun evening... My theme of the day is based on a comment from last night and a memory shared! In seventh grade, I sang that song with a group of friends in our school talent show. I think back on that night and the words in the song...are sung in my heart... "in good times and bad times..." and I think how much life has changed since that night we sang. I know that I thought I understood the song then, but how much more I understand the song now. I grew up in a small town, and have gradually realized how unique it is to have lifelong friends... from preschool, kindergarten, grade school, middle school and high school... (I never thought that it was unusual basically because my parents have friends like that!) But over time, I have realized that it is rather unique.
My mom's family has a set of friends whom our families have had a friendship for over three generations. My age mate in that group of friends was a lifelong friend. We grew up together, played games at picnics, were penpals from elementary school through high school, and celebrated life's events together. She passed away unexpectedly about two years ago. I always wanted to be lifelong friends... but I wanted to grow old together. She is missed on this side of heaven.
I think I have a unique perspective on life. As a relatively young person, I've lost multiple relatives in tragic accidents. Most people think of middle age as your 40s and 50s, but I've played with middle aged eight year olds. (We just didn't realize it at the time.) As a teacher, I think that knowing that you don't know what the future will bring makes me more aware of making school an inviting and comforting place. I think that sometimes people look at things as if there will always be a time for fun later... but the reality is that sometimes there isn't... I think it helps to keep things in perspective. School is important, but the students the school educates are infinitely more important.
I'm not sure how I ended up writing about this today. But I guess it relates to my life right now... Take time for your friends in good times and the bad ones! Don't forget to take time out of the important stuff like cleaning and working for the fun stuff like chatting, gathering, remembering, celebrating, and living. After all... you aren't going to be remembered for the deadlines you met, but by the people you loved! You, my friends, are definitely loved!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In the Bleak Mid-Winter... Groundhogs do appear!

Happy Groundhog's Day! Today... the pine boughs of Christmas are disappearing and we celebrate winter Pennsylvania style! Groundhog's Day is a little bit of fun in the midst of a long winter! It's a moment of choosing to have fun... instead of whining about when will spring arrive! Yes, it's a bit of bliss in an otherwise rather bleak season. Spring is coming but coming slowly in my neck of the woods. The ground is snow covered, but the birds are singing in the bare branches of the bushes. Beneath the white frozen blanket, plants are growing... getting ready to appear... It's a time for hope. We know it's coming... but not yet...