Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Last Supper...

Our minister has been talking about The Last Supper for the past several weeks at church. Last Sunday, He gave us the challenge to think about if we had one meal left to eat... who would we want to spend time with... and to tell them... It was an interesting thought... as my mind thought of friends and family around our community and actually around the world whom I love and hold dear. I spend a lot of time eating with my immediate family. And of course, I would want them there... but my last meal on Earth would really be a celebration of my journey to Heaven. I think I would want dancing and laughter and chatter of friends! My Grandma used to have a photo of an imagined table in heaven... with seats enough for everyone... and a table setting fit for the King of Kings. So the thought of the Last Supper... made me think of that heavenly table and how while I don't really know where you'll be on my last day here... but some day I want to celebrate in heaven with all of you!
Today, our lesson on the Last Supper was about how the Lord called the disciples to His dinner not because they were perfect but because He loved them... Our God is an Awesome God... and I hope you know that you are invited to the most awesome, incredible, amazingly cool party in heaven...with our host the King of Kings and Lord of Lords... I'm so glad that we are incredibly blessed!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Just in case you ever wondered...

This is my first blog and it's been an interesting experience to begin to write it. I started with the title "My Blissful Beautiful life" and wrote quietly about life in general...just because I wanted to try blogging. I wanted to give my readers a couple things to read before I shared it online... My initial title was a quick choice after several attempts to name it were already taken. I liked the blog... but not the title. So I looked for something that fit my life. The idea of a trousseau fits me to a tee! If you aren't aware what a trousseau is it is a description of a single woman's dowry or hope chest and the treasures found within it. I like concept as a blog title because it's both traditional in that women have been making treasures for their own trousseaus for centuries, and by being a blog, it gives a modern twist to an ancient tradition. So this is the beginning of a shared blog... feel free to read the older posts and expect some new ones too. Hope you enjoy reading!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sunshine and Happiness...

The sun shone brightly today! How good it feels to see some sunshine! Spring is coming after a long winter... We've had more than a month of snowy, snowy, snowy weather! I like snow, but I'm ready for a change in environment. I'm ready for spring flowers and green grass. I'm ready to see robins and bunnies. I love living here... I'm definitely a four seasons kind of girl! It's funny though... because while right now I'm excited about Spring... It's not the season that I love best... (Summer bliss of white sand in between my toes, and lavender and roses blooming...) Nor is it the season... I think of with joy... in spite of winter winds and cold... Winter's beauty is found in Christmas joy. And actually Autumn Days of red and orange are favored in my mind... perhaps because I'm an October girl and I love Applefest... Spring to me is the season of waiting... waiting for the sun to appear, waiting for the slush to go, waiting for the grass to grow, waiting for the flowers to bloom, waiting for the mud and muck to disappear...
I guess I'd rather not have to wait... Which is funny when I truly think about it, because somehow, I feel like my life is in a waiting stage. As a substitute, I wait for a telephone call. As a single chick, I'm still waiting for the Prince. I didn't expect to be such a lady in waiting... but I guess I am... And as I ponder the comparision... I am reminded that snowdrops, peonies, redbuds, and lilacs are springtime's blissful beauty... actually ones that can only be found in the waiting days of Spring. I need to enjoy the days of waiting... to see the beauty within them. I need to find the bliss of a Spring day is just as precious and unique as a dazzling Summer day at the beach. I need to enjoy the days of waiting.